Vải đa sợi AATCC multifiber MFF10 Testfabrics
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Vải đa sợi Testfabrics được sử dụng trong mọi thử nghiệm tác động cơ học như AATCC Multifiber về độ bền màu trong giặt giũ.
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Vải hiệu chuẩn UV AATCC
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Vải đa sợi Testfabrics Style #10 tiêu chuẩn AATCC
AATCC multifiber MFF10 TestFabrics
Thương hiệu: Testfabrics
Xuất xứ: US
Vải đa sợi Testfabrics được sử dụng trong mọi thử nghiệm tác động cơ học như AATCC Multifiber về độ bền màu trong giặt giũ.
Thông tin chất liệu: Sáu sợi (dải 8 mm [0,33 in.]) Chứa axetat, bông, nylon, tơ tằm, viscose và len.
Tiêu chuẩn: AATCC TM61, AATCC TM15
Quy cách:
Precisely cold cut edges for use any stationary test such as AATCC TM 15-Colorfastness to Perspiration done in a perspiration tester.
Pack of 500 Pieces
Precisely cut, heat sealed edges to use in any mechanical action test such as AATCC TM 61 Colorfastness to Laundering testing done in a
Pack of 500 Pieces
Precisely cut, heat sealed & serged for use in any heavy mechanical action test such as AATCC TM 61 (3A & 4A)-Colorfastness to Laundering test done in a Laundrometer.
Pack of 500 Pieces
Precisely cold cut edges for use any stationary test such as AATCC TM
15-Colorfastness to Perspiration done in a perspiration tester.
Pack of 250 Pieces
Precisely Heat Sealed Edges to use in any mechanical action test such
as AATCC TM 61-Colorfastness to Laundering testing done in a
Pack of 250 Pieces
Note: Tesfabrics, Inc. does not accept any returns in case if any error occurs during cutting. For precision, consistency and efficiency we recommend MFF PRECUT PIECES available in Cold Cut Edges, Heat Sealed Edges & Overcast Edges.
Note: Tesfabrics, Inc. does not accept any returns in case if any error occurs during cutting. For precision, consistency and efficiency we recommend MFF PRECUT PIECES available in Cold Cut Edges, Heat Sealed Edges & Overcast Edges.
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